About Me
I was fortunate to have received a good formal grounding in art and design during my long, obsessive education to become a "great architect". But after finishing school I became detoured onto a path that widely diverged from architecture and the arts. Some twenty years later I decided to leave that path and to rejoin my interests in art, design, and especially in photography.
And what a time to rejoin photography! Today's photography offers infinite possibilities to nearly everyone. My own main interests, as a practitioner, lie close to the core of photography's nature: its ability to capture the small ephemeral beauties, incongruities, discontinuities, ambiguities, and simple humors in the everyday world. This is photography's unique capability and the absolute apex of the medium to me.
I hope you find a few images here that make you smile, that make you wonder, that confound your immediate comprehension, and that invite you to look longer and harder. Most of all I hope at least one of my images remains tattooed in your memory. If so, I've been successful.
- Kenneth Tanaka -
2012 Interview for the Leica Camera Blog
Contact Me
I'm always eager to read comments from anyone viewing my images. Please feel free to send your thoughts and questions to me at any time.