My Books

Designing books of my images is a primary goal of my photography.  It's where I coalesce my images into meaningful expressions.  Its where all the hours of capturing and editing come together.  It's also where I find inspiration to move forward. 

Below are links to the full cover-to-cover spreads for each book I've produced since 2019.  You'll also find links to purchase a printed copy of each book.  Enjoy!

To Build

A 12-year project to capture the inadvertent  visual poetry found every day on nearly every large construction site in the world.


Buy "To Build"


A personal sampling of the poetry of the everyday visual experience of nearly any city.


Buy "City"

In Plain Sight

Remarkable moments of beauty and poetry found at any moment of any day right in front of my face.


Buy "In Plain Sight"

Plausible Moments

A collection of sights curated to delight the eyes with ambiguity, some humor, and imaginative speculation.


Buy "Plausible Moments"

Don't Ask, Just Look

Images curated from 17 years  to simply delight the eyes and puzzle the mind rather than to document or capture a moment.
